Government structures

UNDP backing green HVAC&R technologies

To help countries phase down HCFCs, UNDP (United Nations Development Programme), one of United Nations’ investment implementing agencies works towards facilitating technology changes in recipient companies. “For the moment, we engage with companies to commit to reducing the use of mostly HCFCs – and tomorrow HFCs,” says UNDP’s Etienne Gonin, programme analyst (Europe/CIS, Arab states and Africa), Montreal Protocol and Chemicals Unit.

Legislative and policy options to control hydrofluorocarbons

UN Environment OzonAction is assisting all developing countries (Article 5 under the Montreal Protocol) through its networks of National Ozone Officers (146 developing countries), clearinghouse and capacity-building activities to implement their national hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFC) phase-out. OzonAction supports efforts to phase out HCFCs, adopt non-ozone depleting, non global warming and energy-efficient alternatives in a safe and sustainable manner, ultimately protecting our common global property – the Earth’s ozone layer.

Climate Change Is Causing the Seafloor to Sink

If there’s one thing we’re learning about this global planetary experiment called climate change, it’s that there are unexpected consequences. Case in point: All of the water pouring off Earth’s melting ice sheets is making the oceans heavier, so much so that seafloors are literally sinking. And that could be messing with our measurements of global sea level rise.