By refrigerant
Advantage of R290 and R32 in battle for India
Air conditioning manufacturers using alternative refrigerants like propane and R32 will have a marked competitive edge in India, according to a new report.
Going natural. the danish road to natural refrigerants
50 examples of natural refrigerant stories in article 5 countries
Chemists develop refrigerant capture molecule
A team of chemistry researchers at the University of Houston claim to have developed a molecule that could capture fluorinated refrigerants.
Properties of new low gwp refrigerants
Low gwp refrigerants. guidance on use and basic competence requirements for contractors
Low options for 90% of high GWP refrigerants
Around 90% of HCFCs and high-GWP HFCs could be replaced in developing countries by substances with low or moderate GWP, says a new report for the European Commission.
US industry announces $5 billion refrigerant research plan
The Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) president and CEO Stephen Yurek announces that American HVACR industry will invest $5 bn in research and development funds over the next decade for new-generation refrigerants and equipment. The announcement took place at an event, sponsored by the White House Council on Environmental Quality.
New EU project for european airport HVAC systems
The EU is turning its energy spotlight on European airports in a bid to reduce their HVAC energy needs and carbon emissions.
Turbo water chiller with water as refrigerant
Practical application of r290 refrigerant propane in small hermetic systems
Isobutane (r 600a) as a refrigerant in hermetic refrigeration systems
R1234yf in 7 million cars by 2016
Refrigerant manufacturer DuPont expects to see the low GWP R1234yf replacement in 7 million car air conditioning systems by the end of next year.
Mandatory logbook F-Gas can be downloaded for free
The EFCTC refrigerant logbook, which was updated in order to comply with the new F-gas regulations, now is available for downloading.
Mobile air conditioning market: recent developments
By January 1, 2017 all new car models Acs must be charged with a low GWP refrigerant. The main contenders in this category at the moment are working substances CO2 and R1234yf.