By refrigerant

IOR Refrigerant Safety Code Updated

The IOR Safety Code of Practice for Non Flammable, Lower Toxicity Refrigerants (Group A1) has been updated by the IOR as a reference source and guide to interpretation of the latest standards and regulations.

Star role in curling success

Star Refrigeration’s expertise in helping to create the ideal playing surface for Scotland’s recently opened National Curling Academy has been called on again for a planned £1.1m refurbishment of Edinburgh’s Murrayfield curling rink.

Panasonic CO2 CU launches in UK

После анонса европейского запуска в прошлом году, Panasonic показала, что его конденсационная установка CO2 мощностью 4 кВт / 2 л.с. теперь доступна в Великобритании.

Panasonic: ‘We want to make a CO2 family’

During the Technology Leadership Round Table session at ATMOsphere Japan 2018, Shigeru Dohno from Panasonic strongly emphasised the company’s commitment to natural refrigerants in response to the HFC phasedown targets enshrined in the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol.