By refrigerant

Chemical vs natural refrigerants

In both technical and non-technical literature, fluorine-containing (HFC) refrigerants are increasingly referred to as ‘chemical’ or ‘synthetic’ refrigerants in contrast to the so-called ‘natural’ refrigerants. Generally ‘chemical’ is now seen by some as being ‘bad’ and is contrasted with ‘natural’, which implies ‘good’.

Spotlight on HFOs at IOR conference in September

This year the IOR is bringing to the UK the first ever IIR International Conference analysing real-life applications of HFO refrigerants HFOs are being marketed as the environmental solution to growing restrictions on the use of high GWP HFCs, but what will their future?

UN Environment Statement on CFC Emissions

New findings from a study released this week in Nature report that emissions of CFC-11, the second most abundant ozone-depleting gas controlled by the Montreal Protocol, have unexpectedly increased in recent years, despite a global ban on production since 2010.

Star Refrigeration unveil new industrial CO2 Refrigeration Packages for smaller industrial applications

Specialist in the industry Star Refrigeration have announced the launch of their new Envi range of eco-friendly, industrial CO2 refrigeration packages to provide a long term solution for smaller scale industrial applications for temperature controlled storage, food and drink manufacturing, inline freezing and chilling, building services, industrial processes, data centres and leisure and ice applications.