Watch this video to get a brief introduction to refrigerants and the environment. The increasing use of new, low-GWP refrigerants opens new opportunities for your industry. Stay on top of developments to stay ahead of the competition.
The topic of refrigerants has been a recurring issue in the industry for the last 30 years. The environmental impact of refrigerants continues to drive the quest to find alternative gases with low global warming (GWP) impact.
The video provides insights on the measurement of environmental impact of refrigerants by the use of Total Equivalent Warming Impact, TEWI, how TEWI is measured and what TEWI means for different applications.
Furthermore, the video goes through current legislation – e.g. the EU f-gas regulation and in future possibly also the Montreal protocol – that pushes refrigerants towards natural alternatives such as CO2, ammonia and hydrocarbons as well as new synthetic blends with less GWP…