Engie claims largest R1234ze installation

Engie claims largest R1234ze installation

Engie Refrigeration has supplied what it claims is the world’s largest chiller installation using the low GWP HFO refrigerant R1234ze.

The Lindau-based refrigeration specialist has supplied eight Quantum chillers, totalling 10MW, to a hospital in Sydney, Australia. Engie replaced all the systems on site, and integrated them into the existing system. In addition to higher efficiencies, the chillers are characterised by their soft start-up as well as their extremely low-noise and low-vibration.

The use of state-of-the-art electrical filter technology increases reliability and safeguards highly sensitive hospital equipment against electrical faults. In addition, the multiple compressor configuration ensures high availability at all times.

Engie Refrigeration claims many years of experience in providing refrigeration for medical facilities. At present, over 150 hospitals worldwide are using the company’s proven technology – that’s around 210 chillers with a refrigeration capacity of around 120MW. Long-standing customers include the Schön Klinik group of clinics in Vogtareuth, Germany, the Generating Station Complex university hospital in Leeds, UK and the Professor Samii International Neurology Institute hospital complex in Tehran, Iran.
