Manuals and reference materials

A study on the impacts of HFC consumption trends in Article 5 countries

As part of the workplan agreed under the workstream to complement the implementation of the Kigali Amendment, the Climate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (CCAC) has commissioned a study to provide a profile of current and projected hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) consumption in Montreal Protocol Article 5 countries (developing countries), and to outline opportunities for near-term control or reduction of HFC consumption.

Advancing Kigali goals through HVACR - International Special Issue 2022- 2023

To provide an update on this global effort, The Centro Studi Galileo (CSG) and the Renewable Energy Institute (REI), with support from the International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR), The United Nations Environment Programme-OzonAction, (UNEP- OzonAction) and The Air conditioning and Refrigeration European Association (AREA), Ministero Della Transizione Ecologica, have collected experiences from around the world, compiled in this special publication, featuring papers from leading global institutions and experts, addressing the current situation, the challenges ahead, and sharing opinions from different National Ozone Units, on issues related among others to HVAC&R, training, and the role of women in the cooling industry.

Results of the new study: Energy efficiency state

As an extension of the study published in 2014, AFCE publishes here the final report of this independent study launched end of 2017 entitled energy efficiency of possible alternatives . The study has been carried out by experts from EREIECEMAFROID and CITEPA.

Appendix C to AHRI Standard 700-2014

The intent of this normative appendix is to establish definitive test procedures for determining the quality of new, reclaimed and/or repackaged refrigerants for use in new and existing equipment within the scope of AHRI.

Climalife Blue Book 2018

In this transitional period, new fluids are being developed to replace the high-GWP refrigerants. That’s why the blue book, an essential tool for all users of refrigerants, has just been republished and updated.